Early Years at Bishops Nympton
Welcome to the Bishops Nympton Early Years
Class 1 is a fully integrated unit for 2-5 year olds and is the base for both our Nursery and Reception children. The setup of our Early Years Curriculum and learning environment enables children to access learning at an age/stage appropriate level, with a mix of whole class, small group and individual teaching episodes throughout the day. We ensure that our Reception children receive the challenge they need through discrete phonics, literacy and maths lessons daily, whilst still being given the opportunity to explore the learning environment independently through an exploratory approach. This allows them to develop the skills they have been taught and take responsibility for extending their knowledge. Careful use of observation, interaction with children and assessment enables the team to guide the children through their next steps in their learning.
​​Bishops Nympton Early Years aims to:
§ Provide high quality care and learning opportunities for children in the early years
§ Work in partnership with parents to help children to learn and develop together
§ Engage with, learn from and add to the local community
§ Promote equality and value diversity through inclusive provision
§ Support children in becoming secure, enthusiastic and inquisitive learners
We have a qualified teacher in Class 1 at all times, either Mrs Bale or Mrs Griffin throughout each week, and they are supported by a team of experienced and highly trained Early Years Practitioners.
- N1 (2-3yr olds)
- N2 (3-4yr olds)
We believe nursery age children learn best through purposeful play!
We plan and provide a range of activities and resources for children to access throughout the day, both inside our spacious classroom and in our Class 1 garden. Nursery children join in with rhyme time, stories and phase 1 phonic adult led activities each day, and are otherwise able to lead their own learning using the engaging environment alongside our staff to gain the knowledge and skills they need to progress.
The nursery is open in line with school term dates; term time only and closed during school holidays and bank holidays. We provide care and education for young children between the age of 2 and 5. We are in receipt of the 2 year old scheme and the Early Years Entitlement for 3 – 4 year olds. We offer 30 hours free childcare to eligible families.
Opening times: 9am – 3.30pm Monday to Friday.
We have a range of session times to meet your needs and try to be flexible with what we can offer you and your child;
9am – 12pm (AM)
12pm – 1pm (LUNCHTIME)
1pm – 3.30pm (PM)
Nursery fees
Our hourly rate for Nursery is set to increase from 1st January 2025. The increase is outlined below:
Current Rate  New Rate 
2 year olds £6.00 per hour  £7.00 per hour 
3 and 4 year olds  £5.50 per hour £5.50 per hour  (no change)
2 year checks
When a child is aged between 24-36 months parents / carers must be given a short written summary of their child’s development in the three prime areas of the EYFS: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication and Language and Physical Development. This progress check identifies areas where your child is progressing well, and identify any areas where progress is less than expected. Any actions we feel are needed to address developmental concerns will be described including working with other professionals if appropriate.
Ongoing assessments are made throughout the year for all nursery children, with final assessments made in the July before children move into their Reception year. Each term parents are welcomed to parent consultations and an open afternoon where they can share their child’s learning journey and talk to staff.
Transition into Reception is seamless, staying within the Foundation Stage Unit, with the same staff but with a higher expectation in their learning both within formal sessions and as they access the continuous provision.
"It was a very smooth transition between Nursery and Reception due mostly to the lovely, caring staff
and being familiar with them and the setting" (parent).
(4-5yr olds)
Reception children continue to learn in a playful way but with gradually more structure to their day as the adult-led activities increase.
Your child will follow the seven areas of the early years curriculum –
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Literacy – Reading and Writing
Understanding the world
Expressive Arts and Design
Alongside these 7 areas of learning, we will also focus on the 3 Characteristics of Effective Learning – HOW children learn rather than what they learn.
By setting challenges, talking to children about their learning and providing opportunities for children to learn in a variety of different ways, we enable children to make the best progress and to become independent, resilient learners.
Find out more about the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) areas here and here
All reception children will take home an appropriate reading book within the first few weeks of school, alongside their new bookbag. The children will be able to change their books once a week and we encourage you to read them 3 or 4 times before they are changed. This is in order to help children develop their sight vocabulary and expression, and the use of repetition facilitates this process. All our books are fully decodable using the phonics and 'challenge words' they are learning. To find out more about our learning in phonics, please click here
For more information about our personalised learning, please see our curriculum tab.
Good communication is vitally important to us so please do contact us when you have a question or concern, even if it appears to be minor. We are usually available to speak to at the beginning or end of the day, or an appointment can be made when convenient for a longer discussion.
Sarah Bale and Stella Griffin