So last term was a busy 1 for us! From learning about planting in science, writing broad bean diaries and instruction reports for how to grow lettuce and cress; weather and seasons in the UK and abroad, time in maths, sculpture in art, and food technology in design and technology. This was just to start! The children said their highlights of the term were growing broad beans, cress and lettuce as part of their learning in English and science. The children really enjoyed this and were able to bring their learning together in so many subjects, it was so much fun! Thank you to all parents for continuing our learning at home by planting these plants in your gardens, we have loved the photos! My favourite I would have to say was learning about different sculptors in art; using a range of materials and mediums to create sculptures, using playdough and clay to make our very own flower pots. The flower pots will go home next week! Tesco have very kindly given us buckets and spades. We decorated these pots and 1 was sent home. We also decorated others, and we will be planting plants in them in school. We hope you enjoyed your bucket and spade! Other year groups will be given a bucket too, and will be using them as part of a project in time.